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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should you get a ghostwriter to help you?

    Ghostwriters have experience writing in a variety of formats. They boost your brand's audience and online profile in less time. Well-written books increase book sales and revenue. You are entitled to all book credit and profits as long as you own copyrights.

  • How does the ghostwriting process usually work?

    Writing in the ghost's voice can be as unique as you and your book. Even if every book has standard elements, our ghostwriter services can help with research, planning, drafting, editing, and publishing. In addition to email and research, ghostwriters write, review, and revise your content. Global Book Publishers conducts independent research, site visits, and in-person interviews. Our approach is fully customized to your demands, timing, and publishing goals.

  • What is the cost of ghostwriting services at Global Book Publishers?

    We offer affordable, customized ghostwriting packages because we recognize that every project is unique. Global Book Publishers' all-inclusive ghostwriting packages include manuscript writing, senior editor review, copy editing, synopsis, a list of literary agencies to pitch, and publishing consultation.

  • How can I communicate with my assigned ghostwriter while maintaining my privacy?

    Your ghostwriter or editor does not need to know your identity. Our approach is customized and scheduled. Clients usually collaborate with their ghostwriter or editor via regular phone calls or email. Meeting your ghostwriter or editor in person is another option. It's easy to customize the process.

  • What types of projects do ghostwriters typically work on?

    Ghostwriters can exhibit their skills in any genre, including fiction and non-fiction, memoirs, articles, biographies, speeches, comic books, books on self-help, academic works, and even informative or academic essays. We also provide ghostwriting services, and our writers are proficient in various writing styles.

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